I love Thanksgiving. I really do. It means a break from school, time with the family, lots and lots of food, and many memories. It also kicks off the "Holiday season" which, being the Christmas commercialism sucker that I am, makes me very happy. For example, I'm now laying on my bed listening to Christmas music, pondering when it's going to snow again. It actually has already snowed TWICE this month...both times last week. It made me very happy, despite being sick as crap on Friday, to look out my window and see white fluffy stuff falling from the sky. Earlier in the week, on Tuesday, my friend Maya and I went outside when it was snowing and danced around like idiots. Fun times :)
So as previously mentioned, I was sick last week. It set in on wednesday/thursday and is still going. I'm getting better though. Friday through Sunday sucked majorly. That was the worst of the sick period, and I spent most of the weekend just trying to sleep and drink fluids. Today and yesterday have been better. Just abusing my nose with tissues and controlling a cough with oh so yummy Robitussin. ::sniffles:: The weekend did have it's good points. Saturday night was the highlight, being as it was my friend Dan's 21st birthday party. Lukie came up to chill with me and hang out at the party. That was tons of fun on so many levels. I can't wait to see all the crazy pictures we took. Fuuuun times :D
Currently waiting on the laundry to finish drying so I can finish packing for a trip to see my cousins and my uncle down in North Carolina. Sadly, we haven't seen them since this time last year, and they only live 5ish hours away. When I'm allowed to have the car for long distance driving (i.e. this summer) I'm really going to try and make it a point to visit my extended family more often. After all, who doesn't like road trips? I know I like them much.
Not a whole lot else going on right now, but when I get back to school, I will commence studying my friggin butt off for finals...joy. Library lockdown! Not to mention catching up on all my backwork for Spanish.
That's all for now folks. Yay for Christmas music!
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: When your phone is in your pants pocket, and said pants are on the floor, be careful when picking them up to point the pocket away from the toilet. Otherwise, said phone ends up in said toilet. Or in my case, landing in the toilet just as it's flushing. Gotta love life.