So it's dreary and rainy and blah outside and cold....kinda like the last time I updated. I feel like doing anything but my work, surprise surprise. My major thought is mostly "where is my life going?" seeing as how it's the middle of November. Thanksgiving is ONE WEEK away. When did this happen? Well no sense in looking back. Time to focus on getting things done and wrapping up the semester. Which reminds me, I need to register for classes this weekend. It's probably going to take some doing. I have to figure out where I'm taking my UMBC classes, and which advisor to talk to, then I'm sure I'll have to deal with some hassle from MC. Oh the joy of going to two different schools.
I'm listening to Christmas music again :) I was on a Wicked kick for a bit, due to last week's episode of Glee, then last night I was listening to Glee music (they already have a volume two of songs coming out!) Thanksgiving will be interesting. We're having it at our house this year, woot! But we're doing it with Dad's side of the family. Which means odds of seeing my mom's parents, who we really only see twice a year, are slim to none, and we're not seeing our cousins. Sad face! But we get to see the little cousins who we almost never see, and Grandpa is leaving the dreary confines of Buffalo for a day or two. Also...JENNIFER IS COMING!!!! This makes me very happy :D
In other news, I quit facebook for two weeks. Well, at least one week. If after the first week, I've sufficiently kicked the habit and relieved myself of my need for facebook, I'll try checking it once a day. If I still feel like "zomg fb need!!!" then I completely leave it for another week. I'm on day two so far, and I'm doing alright. No severe withdrawl, which probably means it's not as much of a habit as I think it is, I'm just letting it take over my life too much.
Christmas shopping is on hold for right now due to lack of funds. Thankfully, I already picked some up last month when the padres were out of town. Lack of funds being due to draining my bank account and borrowing money after my car got towed last week in Baltimore, and the towing company charged me $250 dollars to get it back. $250?!?!?! What kind of bullshit is that?! -_-; Freaking Baltimore. Nevermind that they relocated the car to the middle of nowhere in Overlea, MD. I suppose it's not techinically in the middle of nowhere, as it was on route one, just off of 695. Not quite bfn, but close for how deserted the place looked. Maybe it was just the weather.
Speaking of lack of funds, I need to start looking for another job. Blue Mash is currently employing me about 6 hours a week. This is what I get for working at a seasonal establishment. I did a little math (amazing, right?) and that's $45 a week, $90 a pay period, $180 a month. Before taxes. Even without taxes, let's see what that gets me. $100/month goes to my parents to repay my $1200 debt incurred over the summer. So that leaves me with $80. Gas is about $25/week. So that gets me 3 fillups per month, with $5 left over. This is going to get less, as it gets darker sooner every day. So yeah, right now I'm not even making expenses. Thus why I need another job. I should print a resume and go ask around at the mall.
That's pretty much life right now. I feel like baking...I really should work on my paper though...we'll see.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: When parking in Baltimore, just b/c you can't see a sign saying you can't park there, doesn't mean they won't tow you because there's a sign 30 yards away facing the other way.