Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's been a while?

So it's been about a year and then some since I used this. Maybe if I used it more often I wouldn't have so many thoughts swirling about in my head and confusing me. I should use my diary as well, then I wouldn't talk to myself as much ;) Annnnywho, for my 4 faithful followers, and any passing stalkers, a brief update on life.

>>I turned 21 this past summer, spent most of July partying, and have actually become much more responsible about my alcohol since then. I suppose I got most of my partying out of my system. Also, I don't venture out much in the cold sooo...I just stick to the occasional liquor run at the store down the street from school. They know me. No seriously. They don't even ask for my ID anymore they're just like hey what's up how's school.
>>Speaking of school, I'm taking a semester off for right now. I'm taking one Spanish class at MC just so I'm not completely disconnected from academics. Meanwhile, I'm working on finding another part time job and living at home. Perks: more work=more money, living at home=more time with family, home cooked meals, access to car (albeit limited), not paying for groceries, mommy hugs, and seeing the boyfriend more often (in theory). Downside: I don't see my friends from school very often, going anywhere has to be a smidge more planned, since i don't have ready access to bus/trains like I did on campus, and I'm not supposed to keep food in my room.
>>For those of you who don't stalk my facebook, I have a boyfriend. I obtained him over the summer. We've been dating for about 5 1/2 months, and it's going great =) His name is Elliot Cruz (that's the short version anyway), he's 28, born and raised in Puerto Rico til Dec 2006 when he came to the states (apparently, the economy in PR makes the US economic difficulties look minimal), we me through work (We work for the same store in different malls), he's a strong Christian, and he treats me like my parents raised me to believe me I deserve. He also puts up with my randomness, my forgetfulness, and my spoiled side. He's super =) <3

>>My current part time job, while not providing overly much in the way of hours, is definitely cool. I work for Things Remembered, a gift and engraving store. We sell gifts and recognition products for all occasions, our biggest season is April through June, then we don't get busy again til Christmas. (I worked 30 hours in 3 days the week before Christmas. Highly unusual for a part timer). I really enjoy the products we sell as well as the engraving. Engraving is fun!! Come visit me and get things engraved!! We can engrave stuff from outside our store too. Gotta find another part time job though.
>>I'm going to Rancho 3M for Spring Break!!! Rancho 3M is a Christian Orphanage and school in Guadalupe, Mexico. I went there for a few misions trips in high school. I'm super excited. I'm going to be working to help build the baby home, so they can continue taking in abandoned infants. I'll also get to visit some friends of mine; a woman known to many as Aunt Sherry who will be our cook, our friend Maricela who teaches at the school at the Ranch, and Mari and my's friend Irene, a girl who stayed with my family during an exchange trip a couple years ago. Super exciting.

I think that covers the major stuff. Now back to trying to make all the clothes I brought home from school fit in my dresser and closet.

Peace y'all.

P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the day: when meeting up with someone in a mall, arrange a specific meeting place. Otherwise you just look kinda dumb waiting for them to loop back around a common point.

P.P.S. Check out my friends' Emily and Lauren's photo blogs, they're super talented.