Thursday, March 6, 2008


So here I sit listening to my country music, thinking about the things I should be doing, and wondering what, if anything, I'll be doing later tonight. I have this lovely chunk of time between classes, and I have a very busy weekend coming up, so one would think I would read my supreme court cases or do my calc homework. Instead, I'm killing time on the internet, per usual. Ah well, I'll do something productive in a little while. Meanwhile, I've come to the conclusion recently that I really do like my life. Maybe it's the spring fever getting to my head, but I really do have a good life. When I'm not getting caught up in everything there is to do, or letting people get to me, I enjoy my life and I am grateful for it. Yes some things about my school annoy me and everyone else on campus, and yes I always have lots of work to do, but I have the privilege of going to school, when some people don't. Plus I set up my schedule knowing I'd be busy so no right to complain there.

Not much going on lately, staying busy with schoolwork, figuring out how to maintain some semblance of a social life (which usually translates to playing pool with my boys), looking forward to spring break. Gotta get through exams...speaking of which, my spanish profesora is...interesting. She's scatterbrained, ADD, contradicts herself, and has changed the date of our exam 4 times in the past 2 weeks. Currently its still scheduled for the last class before break. If she changes it to after break, I will be very unhappy. I don't want to study over break, I don't want to have to come back from break and first week back have to take an exam.

Political thoughts...friends of mine went down to the state capitol to testify/protest against a bill that would extend instate college tuition to anyone who graduated from a state high school, regardless of citizenship status. I wanted to go, but had an exam that To use some internet phrasing I've picked up since being at school, this bill=epic fail. Seriously, there's a limited amount of instate tuition for legal residents already, do we want illegals to be able to get some of that, thus leaving less for the rest of us? Do I want my taxes paying for someone to go to school who doesn't pay taxes, and just lives here mooching off the rest of us? I think not. Stop coddling the illegals!! If they want to get the benefits of living in the US, they can damn well get off their butts and become taxpaying citizens. Don't whine about the children being brought here by their parents and thus it's not their fault. If they're going to college, they're old enough to know they're not supposed to be here, and they can take responsibility for their own citizenship. I emailed every single legislator on the committee that would hear the bill and told them in no uncertain terms not to vote for the bill. The legislators sponsoring this bill need to grow a spine and stop helping people circumvent federal laws.

Muscial thoughts...I need to get more classical music for studying. I have a bit on my ipod, but alot of it is not instrumental, and when I'm listening to classical music, it's cause I don't want words. I'm going home for a few hours this weekend, if I remember I should try and grab some of my parents CD's and put them on my ipod. *Thinking* there's the Bach CD that used to start playing Tocatta and Fugue at 2Am when we forgot to turn off the CD player...that was always an interesting to wake up. There's also the instrumental hymns we got Daddy for Christmas...Always like more old hymns. I've come to the recent conclusion that I cannot live without music, especially country music. I get antsy if I'm anywhere besides class without music for any extended period of time.

Girly thoughts...went to the mall last week with a friend and did some spring preview shopping. I need $$ or some really good spring sales, cuz there's alot of stuff I want :). My spring wardrobe needs updating...yay gift cards. I could also use some spring shoes. I've gotten addicted to flats recently. I used to do heels all the time, but walking around campus doesn't treat heels all that nicely, especially if you go off the sidewalks at all. Flats last alot longer, are a bit more versatile (dress them up or down, they look cute with just about anything), and are usually cheaper. Acrylic nails are wonderful...they're extremely low maintenance, and they look good 24/7, and they last longer than a standard manicure, and they're easier to fix. Hair needs highlighting...but of course this can only be done at 2am hair parties, after a midnite grocery run. I'll have to look into arranging that. Speaking of groceries, I'm hungry...but that's pretty much a constant state of being for me. I love my metabolism but sometimes...

Random thoughts...a friend of mine recently parted ways with a girl he'd been seeing for a while (or so it seems, facebook tells all...). I know he cared about her alot, and I'm slightly worried he's trying to put it behind him too soon. I understand wanting to get over it and move on with life, but when you experience loss on any level, it's important to let yourself grieve, and let yourself be upset. Take a day or two and be depressed, be pissed at the world, be emo, whatever helps you. Part of healing is grieving. I was talking to my parents about this in the fall when my great grandmother went home to Jesus. She was my dad's grandmother, and had alot of influence on him growing up, and as I was unable to be home before the memorial service, I told my mom to make sure that Daddy took time for himself to let himself grieve. He was quickly getting caught up in everything that had to be done with making arrangements and helping my grandmother process all that needed to be done and dealt with, and I knew that if he didn't take time to let himself be upset, he would never be fully better. It's a similar thing with my friend. I know this is hurting him, and I hope he takes time to accept the loss so he can get on with his life.

On a lighter note...Spring is in the air, yay! The past few days have been really nice outside. It's not quite spring yet but it's getting there. It was raining the other night, and one of my friends commented how if it were snow, we would be accumulating quite a bit, and wouldn't that be cool. We then agreed that yeah that'd be nice, but we'll take the warm weather over the cold now. Besides, I like rain. I went walking around the "loop" that is the main road on campus, and by the time I got back I was thoroughly soaked, and probably did some damage to my ipod headphones (technology and water don't get along too well). It was fun though. It was earlier in the evening than I usually go for my walks, so there were still alot of cars going around, probably wondering why the heck I was voluntarily subjecting myself to the weather. Irony: listening to "Walking on Sunshine" while walking in the rain :)

I've always had a bit of a mischievous streak, and I like messing with people. Currently, a friend of mine from highschool, Angel, is trying to figure out who this blog belongs to. I of course am being very mean and just leaving little hints instead of telling him who this is. There's two rather large hints in this post, so maybe that'll help him out.

Uhoh class time so that's all for now.
Peace y'all

P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: If you're going to pay $40 to get your nails done, make sure they do a good job of it.


Angel Maldonado said...

ok so now we went to the same highschool??? wtf. ok covlifer? o dear. comeon. i have 229 contacts in my phone and the guys number less than a third of that. help?

Angel Maldonado said...

ok. did u graduate 07? from the school or fsp?