Thursday, February 19, 2009

School is Boring

So it's only the 4th week of school and I'm already bored with my classes, and school in general. Maybe I'm just having an apathetic week but it just all seems so blah. I'm only taking 4 classes, so while it's manageable, it's not nearly enough to keep me all that busy. I only have to do homework 3 nights a week to keep up, and that's with multitasking. If I were doing homework and nothing else, I would probably only need 2 nights. My classes are all easy, and the homework is essentially busy work. Thus the issue.

I'm the type of person where if I'm not being challenged, I get bored...really quickly. If something doesn't challenge me, and doesn't keep my interest, I have little to no motivation to actually do it. Example: my spanish class. It's a retake, becuase I got so bored with the busy work last semester that I didn't do half of it. The problem was that said busy work was 35% of our grade and not doing it led to a bad grade, despite getting A's on my tests.

I like my classes, it's just a matter of them being able to challenge me enough. Breakdown:
>>Poli 360: Comparative Political Thought/Theory. The material we read outside of class is interesting, and I enjoy reading it. The professor simply restates the reading in class in simpler terms and his lecture style leaves me fighting to stay 130 in the afternoon. His tangents about his life are more interesting than his lectures. We have to write a 2 page paper every week based on the readings, then later in the week we're given a classmate's paper to critique. BORING! 2 pages?! I thought this was a 300 level class! This reminds me of high school...and considering my high school wasn't exactly the epitome of academic challenge that's pretty bad.

>>Span 301: Advanced Intermediate Spanish. Again, ridiculously easy for a 300 level class. Maybe it's just me and the ability God's given me to be stupidly good at Spanish, but as previously stated, all the homework is busy work. Answer a few BS questions based on some simple readings. Do some grammar exercises practicing stuff we learned in Spanish 1. The one good point is that the prof only speaks Spanish in class, and makes us do the same. Not that this is hard for me, but it's something that should start being enforced at the 201 level. If we're taking a language beyond the level required for university credit, we obviously want to use it somehow in our future, and we have to learn how to speak it, not just understand it.

>>Econ 102: Introduction to Macroeconomics. Your standard lecture class with the occasional online quiz and problem set thrown in. Reeeealllly simple, and most of it's common sense. Granted that's to be expected since it's a 100 level class. The prof isn't horribly interesting, but not boring either. He likes to relate everything back to Milky Way bars. Take notes, plan my week, make occasional sarcastic comments to my friends Cynthia and Stan who are in the class with me.

>>History 303: The Second World War. My favourite class by far. Dr. Laurie is god of the History department. Definitely one of the best, if not the best prof I've taken here. His lectures are entertaining and educational at the same time. His exams are challenging but not overly difficult if you've payed attention in class. Doing the readings isn't necessary but it's helpful. His papers are not overly long, generally 3-5 pages, but you have to write well for them and you have to actually do the work behind them, which is usually reading a whole bunch of stuff on a topic of your choice related to the class. My only issue with this class is that we don't have much to do outside of it reguarly. I look forward to the class; it's the highlight of my tuesdays and thursdays.

So there's my little rant for the week. Not to worry, I'm still doing my hw and keeping up with my classes, they're just annoying. It's troublesome to me when I have to actually try to find motivation to do school. Well seeing as it's going on 4am I should probably do that thing they call sleeping. Not that it matters since I don't have to wake up before 11 any day of the week. Gotta love that! I'm looking forward to the weekend (which essentially starts tomorrow at 7pm). Hopefully it'll snap me out of the apathetic fog I've been in this week.

Peace y'all.

P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson: Always have a couple rolls of toilet paper stocked in your room, so when your dorm (or campus in general as it would appear) FAILS AT LIFE BY RUNNING OUT OF TOILET PAPER you're not stuck using tissues. Reasons we love UMBC...

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