The only real annoying part about the snow is it effectively eliminates my job at the golf course. Thus, I've started seeking other employment. I previewed/interviewed for a job at a clothing store in a mall nearby. I really like their clothes, and it seems like it'd be a fun job, but the manager in charge of the interviews is starting to annoy me. He's really not so great in the follow-up department. He was supposed to call me to set up the initial preview, but instead I had to call him ~2.5 weeks after turning in the original application. He *said* he was actually going to call me that day, but I wasn't convinced. The job preview was this past Saturday, and the manager told me he'd call me on Monday around one to let me know either way if he liked me. So Monday afternoon comes, no call at one, or in the hour following. I begin to think, maybe I misheard him and he just said Monday, but no call for the rest of the afternoon, or the following day, which was yesterday. So today was another lazy day. I called the store around 4pm, spoke to the manager, and told him, maybe I'd misunderstood, but I thought he'd said he was going to call Monday, and maybe my phone missed a call or message from him (my phone randomly does that at times). He said he hadn't called anyone Monday or Tuesday, but would call me back in about an hour when he had time to talk. ::Sigh:: Fair enough. So I wait. 5 o'clock comes, no call. 530, no call. 6pm I sit down to dinner with my family. Phone goes off a couple times during dinner, but nope, just a text message. Currently it's 930 and he hasn't called. ::Grumble:: If he doesn't call tomorrow, I'll probably call him back on Friday. I'm beginning to think I'm going to start applying elsewhere, as this is getting a touch ridiculous.
Tomorrow I venture to the eye doctor for the third time in as many weeks. The first time was my routine yearly checkup. We switched eye doctors this year, and I'm liking the new one so far. I told them my current contact prescription was not sufficient, as I was still having depth perception issues and distance clarity issues. After examining my eyes, they doctor said I needed a different type of contact, one that corrects for astigmatism. She also told me my right eye, in which I had previously not worn a contact, needed a slight prescription. So she gives me the new contacts, and for the first few days, they're great. I can see much better, my depth perception has increased, and there's much much less distance blurryness. I received the contacts on my second visit, Saturday Jan 2 (insurance wouldn't cover them unless we bought them in the new year) and for the first few days they were great. My right eye was taking a few days to get used to having the contact, but otherwise all was well. Toward the end of the week, the contacts started to irritate my eyes. Saturday, Sunday, Monday I was using the eye drops frequently to control the irritation. Tuesday I could't even get the contacts in without them hurting my eyes. I tried for about half an hour. I washed my hands several times, switched contact cases, changed the solution a few times, nothing. So I grabbed an unopened contact from my old prescription and put it in, then departed on my day. The vision quality was noticeably less, but the irritation was gone. Today I got the left one in, with only mild irritation, but it increased throughout the day, so I took it out and again put in one from the old prescription. I have another eye doctor appt tomorrow so hopefully they'll be able to figure out what's going on.
My list of things to do this winter break:
- Reading: I've done a good bit but dropped off recently. Stupid internet...
- Clubbing: hasn't happened yet. People are broke/lazy. Maybe next weekend.
- Skiing: Hasn't happened yet. It's expensive, and nobody really has the money.
- Ice Skating: Once so far. Love it. Need to do more. It's the same price/time as a movie, only you get to talk to your friends.
- See movies. Sherlock Holmes check x2. Nine check. Still to see is It's Complicated and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.
- Find a job: in process. See above rant.
- Gain weight: I'm trying to gain 5-7 lbs. Nothing serious, just enough to keep me healthy. I've been making protein shakes 2x a day, a banana flavor powder mixed with orange juice. It's actually pretty good.
I'm super excited to be going back to main campus next semester. Sure it's only tuesday/thursday, but it's better than nothing, and I get to see people! I'll likely still be there on weekends as well. Yay for reconnecting and actually having some meaningful classes. Shady Grove was ok, and I made a couple friends, but it's not the same when I've been in Catonsville for 2 years.
Now I'm going to do some misc facebook, make my drink, and maybe eat cookies or ice cream.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the day: When planning a museum trip, make sure you look up the admission fee before you get there. Then you're not standing around going "huh, we don't have the $ for this, now where to?" Thankfully there are other free museums in DC.
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