A friend once told me I needed to get a blog as an outlet for my musings on life. This is me, the good, the bad, the occasional emo. My thoughts and responses to life, microcosmic and macrocosmic.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Why I Hate Women
Sometimes I REALLY do not like girls. They are dumb as rocks! They're incredibly stupid sometimes and it drives me nuts! This doesn't change their superiority but holy cats is it annoying when otherwise smart girls act incredibly stupid, generally as regards guys. I'm sorry, I must have missed the memo where we were told we have to stoop to their level in order to make them like us. The vast majority of girls will tell you they want a guy who challenges them, not someone they feel like they have to dumb themselves down for.I would think guys feel the same way about girls. Maybe it's some sort of prime time TV stereotype where the guys go for the ditzy cute girls? Stupidity is only cute for so long. Then it gets annoying. I jsut don't understand why they do it.
It's not just intelligence either. What really bothers me is when girls somehow magically forget their self worth and self esteem because of a guy. Now if a guy is currently or has recently treated her like sh....crap [trying to keep this PG], then yeah she's entitled to a few moments of fragility. Breakups or a bad fight or something, then sure her self esteem might take a bruising but it shouldn't stay like that. Girls should NEVER let a blow to their self esteem make them feel like they are less than amazing for any period of more than a week. You get hit, you fall down, you get back up, shake it off, and keep going. To me this is common sense, like when you get a bad grade, and you're disappointed, but you resolve to do better next time. So it should be for relationships. Despite this, I see so many girls settling for guys who by no means deserve them. Girls who stay with guys who emotionally/psychologically/physically abuse them. Girls who get dumped, then go back to a guy who dumped them. Girls who ignore every reason staring them in the face of why the guy they are with is worthless, but continue to do so. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!
When did my species lose our sense of self worth? Where are the women of the past who were willing to fight for everything they believed in? Where are the women's suffrage leaders? Where are the women fighting for equality for minorities? Where are the women who weren't afraid to turn a guy down if she knew he was less than she deserved? Where is the spark, the fight? It seems to me like my generation is full of women who don't even know how to make a guy work for them anymore. Granted, our over sexed, gender neutral culture has taught us that a girl needs to do the leading and the chasing, that it's bad to stay single for long periods of time, that girls have no identity outside of a boyfriend, and most terribly, that a guy will not stay with them if they don't give themselves up within a couple dates. Now, regardless of whether someone practices extra martial sex or not, I'd think most everyone would be in agreement that any girl who thinks that if she doesn't have sex with a guy she's dating right away won't be able to keep him around is sadly mistaken. If a guy does give off this impression, he's nowhere near what she deserves. The level of intimacy in a relationship should be agreed upon by both partners, and neither one should feel like they have to give more than they are comfortable giving in order to make a relationship last.
I saw a movie a couple months back with my sister entitled "He's Just Not That In To You". The concept of the movie was teaching a girl who was overly eager to find a guy that she needed to calm down and let the guy come to her. The basic moral was, if a guy is not initiating contact with you, he's just not that in to you, and it's not going anywhere. I wish, I sincerely wish, this movie could be shown to every girl between the ages of 13 and 30 who is in the market for a relationship. It frustrates me beyond words when I hear a girl say "I need a guy". No. You do not NEED a boyfriend. You want one. It is your natural human desire for companionship and a life partner, but you do not NEED someone else to be happy. Yes another person with whom you share the intimacy of a relationship adds happiness to your life, but it is possible to be happy without it. Especially when half the guys around are worthless. I don't know why girls settle for less than they deserve. Is it that they don't think they can do better? Is it that they forget they deserve better? Every girl should believe in herself and her worth. Every girl is special, and if a guy treats her as anything less than the best thing that ever happened to him, he's a tool, and not worth it. I speak from personal experience and from watching others. If a girl doesn't feel cherished and loved and special, why should she bother?
There have been songs on the radio in the past few years that send a message that it's ok to be single, or to not want/need a guy. Examples include "Single Ladies" by Beyonce, "U+Ur Hand" and "So What" by P!nk, "Single" by Natasha Bedingfield, "I'm a Survivor" by Destiny's Child, and the classic "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor. Sure some of these songs also emphasize a bit of revenge, but they ultimately send the message to girls and guys of all ages that it's ok to be single and that if someone isn't what you deserve, you don't need to sacrifice yourself for them.
I wish I could take all girls 13-30 and have something like a week long conference to teach them how to fight for what they are worth. I want to teach every girl that she is special and she should only date a guy who makes her feel like that. I also want to teach girls that you should have a little spunk, and a little fight. I'm a firm believer in not letting a guy get a hold of you right away. Guys were created to be hunters and chasers, and if they're not willing to do it, they don't really like her that much. Effort should go both ways, but the initial effort needs to be 90% from the male. When I see girls who date worthless guys, or who keep going back to guys who treat them badly, in some stupid denial that "it'll be better this time" or who give themselves physically and emotionally to a guy right away, I feel like slapping them and saying, "where is your spirit?! Where is your fight? Where is your self worth?" Kelli Pickler has a song entitled "Don't You Know You're Beautiful?" and I love the message. While it's not specifically about being single, it's about telling girls that the pressures of perfect beauty that are portrayed on TV and magazines should not dictate out self worth, and that every girl is beautiful and special. Love love love it. More songs like that should be written and played on the radio.
*Sigh* Maybe someday I'll start some sort of educational course for girls and teach them to stand up for themselves, and teach them that they are special and beautiful and that they should never feel pressured to give themselves up right away or to play dumb for a guy. For now, I have to study.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: Backing up in the dark in the rain up a narrow driveway is a bad idea. Particularly when said driveway has a ditch on either side of it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It's One of Those Days...
I'm listening to Christmas music again :) I was on a Wicked kick for a bit, due to last week's episode of Glee, then last night I was listening to Glee music (they already have a volume two of songs coming out!) Thanksgiving will be interesting. We're having it at our house this year, woot! But we're doing it with Dad's side of the family. Which means odds of seeing my mom's parents, who we really only see twice a year, are slim to none, and we're not seeing our cousins. Sad face! But we get to see the little cousins who we almost never see, and Grandpa is leaving the dreary confines of Buffalo for a day or two. Also...JENNIFER IS COMING!!!! This makes me very happy :D
In other news, I quit facebook for two weeks. Well, at least one week. If after the first week, I've sufficiently kicked the habit and relieved myself of my need for facebook, I'll try checking it once a day. If I still feel like "zomg fb need!!!" then I completely leave it for another week. I'm on day two so far, and I'm doing alright. No severe withdrawl, which probably means it's not as much of a habit as I think it is, I'm just letting it take over my life too much.
Christmas shopping is on hold for right now due to lack of funds. Thankfully, I already picked some up last month when the padres were out of town. Lack of funds being due to draining my bank account and borrowing money after my car got towed last week in Baltimore, and the towing company charged me $250 dollars to get it back. $250?!?!?! What kind of bullshit is that?! -_-; Freaking Baltimore. Nevermind that they relocated the car to the middle of nowhere in Overlea, MD. I suppose it's not techinically in the middle of nowhere, as it was on route one, just off of 695. Not quite bfn, but close for how deserted the place looked. Maybe it was just the weather.
Speaking of lack of funds, I need to start looking for another job. Blue Mash is currently employing me about 6 hours a week. This is what I get for working at a seasonal establishment. I did a little math (amazing, right?) and that's $45 a week, $90 a pay period, $180 a month. Before taxes. Even without taxes, let's see what that gets me. $100/month goes to my parents to repay my $1200 debt incurred over the summer. So that leaves me with $80. Gas is about $25/week. So that gets me 3 fillups per month, with $5 left over. This is going to get less, as it gets darker sooner every day. So yeah, right now I'm not even making expenses. Thus why I need another job. I should print a resume and go ask around at the mall.
That's pretty much life right now. I feel like baking...I really should work on my paper though...we'll see.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: When parking in Baltimore, just b/c you can't see a sign saying you can't park there, doesn't mean they won't tow you because there's a sign 30 yards away facing the other way.
Friday, October 16, 2009
In other news, I met a girl at school who I'm now tutoring in Spanish. Turns out she's a Christian and I know her brother from IV at UMBC. She also recently started attending Cov. Small world? I think so. She's cool though, I like her. We had lunch at Chipotle yesterday after tutoring, since she had lack of cash to pay me she offered to buy lunch with her credit card, which I agreed to, since I'd probably just spend the money on food anyway.
Weekend happenings will be limited by the dreary weather unfortunately. I'm sure Tori and I will find some way to entertain ourselves despite the drizzle. Maybe we'll see a movie or go shopping. Sister bonding time =]
You win some, you lose some. It was fun while it lasted, and it's a learning experience.
Now time for a nice hot shower, and maybe some hot tea or cocoa to take off the chill.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: Drinking hot chocolate while folding laundry is a bad idea, particularly when you attempt to drink it over a pair of freshly washed white pants. Go me.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Just checking in...
It's been a pretty chill day so far. For some reason I woke up around 8am this morning, probably due to the whole not sleeping well my first night in a new place thing. Rode around on the bike for the morning/early afternoon seeing the sights and theorizing with the bike store parts guy about possible issues with the bike Jeremy is in the process of fixing up. Once the rain started coming, we ditched back to Jeremy and Andre's place, and just watched tv for a couple hours. Their house is heated by woodstove, so it gets really toasty. I like it. Went out again around 6 to get food and go to the grocery store so I can cook dinner for Jeremy and Andre tomorrow. Jeremy's a little nervous, saying "You're telling me you can cook but you also said you could drive so...". I think it'll all work out. I may have bought a bit too much chicken but if so, they can freeze the leftovers and use it again. You can never have too much chicken on hand.
In other news, everyone up here are dirty Red Sox fans and Patriots fans. #fail. So they were none too happy about Boston's 3-0 loss to the Angels last night (really, the angels? that's like the Redskins losing to the Lions...oh wait...) Tonight's game is currently tied at 0-0 middle of the third. Not so impressive Boston. Yankees--Twins are tied 3-3 in what appears to be the 11th inning if I'm reading that right? Ouch. Get it together NY!
That's about all for now, updates on school when I return from my lovely excursion.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the Week: Don't blame community college not teaching you good study habits when you didn't do your paper you've known was due for 4 weeks. Sometimes I wonder about people...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I'm currently on the phone with him...sorta. His mom called like 2minutes after he called me so he's talking to her and I'm chillin on the other line. Annie is on my lap trying to sit between me and my computer. Not working so well. I may just hang up and have him call me back since it's using minutes. I hung up and texted him saying call me when you're done with your mom, she has priority.
Other random stuff: went school supply shopping, got a planner in purple (woot!) and other stuffs, meds are clearing up the staph infection on my legs really well. Only bummer is they make me itchy and the skin around my mouth feels kinda weird, like dry or something. Idk it's whatever, not annoying enough to pay more money to change meds. If it becomes and issue I'll call them for something new. School starts in a couple weeks.
Time for some pool then seeing if Luke wants to go to dinner/drive me to Frederick for moon pies.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: USE YOUR FREAKING BLINKERS! Seriously people, it's not that hard.
Countdown: 17 days
Friday, August 14, 2009
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
It's times like these that I really reflect on how good God is, when He chooses to send us very tangible reminders. At the beginning of the summer, I was very uninterested in anything like a relationship for various reasons, and was despairing my overall luck with guys. I had no clue that 2 months later I'd be a little more than friends with a guy who is not only fun to be around and easy to talk to, but also a Godly example. Not to mention that before he moved, he lived abaout 10 minutes from me...not important but definitely convenient when we were staying up til all sorts of stupid hours watching tv and having adventures.
School starts late this year. Most of my classes start Sept. 1, my Korean class actually starts the 8th. Doing the two campus thing will be interesting. Weds morning 9am class will be tough but so far it's my only early class. None of the other days have class before 1pm which is good and bad. It's kinda what screwed me over last semester. I was up til 4am every night cause I didn't have to wake up til 11am. I imagine my parents won't let me sleep that late living at home, and I won't really have all the freedom to be out and about horribly late, though I will have the car. Luke is going to Maryland but I keep the car since I'm living home going to school. There are perks!
God is good. Job 34:10 I keep written on my wrist as a reminder that "Far be it from the Almighty to do wrong." It is a constant reminder to me when I'm frustrated that God knows what He is doing and has a plan. cf. Jeremiah 29:11.
Peace Y'all.
[21 days and counting down]
Thursday, May 28, 2009
There was one particular night where the storms were really loud and unsettling for everyone. I don't recall if they were conncected to tornado season or not. I was probably 11 or 12 years old. The storms were loud enough to wake my siblings (who could sleep through doomsday). At some point the two of them had gone to my parents' room, disquieted by the storms and unable to sleep. I'm not sure when this was during the night. All I know is that at somepoint, I guess it was after my parents had gone to bed, my mom came to my room and asked me if I wanted to come into her room and sleep there, instead of being alone in my room. Although part of me thought I was too old to be scared of thunderstorms, I happily accepted the invitation. I went with my teddy and my blankie to curl up on the end of my parents bed. Being the last one to arrive, I didn't get to be up close by everyone else, but it was still ok. There we were, the 5 of us, sharing one king sized bed, waiting out the thunderstorms.
I don't remember much else about that night. At some point I probably went back to my room, either for lack of suitable sleeping space in the bed, or becuase the storms were over, or both. I imagine my dad was up early for work, a bit more tired than usual. I doubt anyone got much sleep that night, but looking back, I don't think I would trade it, nor would the rest of them I hope. It's a memory I'll carry with me for a long time, if not forever.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
May Angels Lead You In
When Grammy died back in October, I was completely heartbroken. I was devastated beyond anything I'd ever felt or have felt since. I did not understand how someone who had always been an integral part of my life could be taken from me and everyone who loved her. I honestly had no comprehension of how I and my family were supposed to continue with our lives. I was sad, confused, and angry.
Life does go on, and here I am 6 months later, going about my life. Ultimately, I know that Grammy is in Heaven, singing with the angels, because she had placed her faith in Christ, and knew Him as Lord and Saviour. I know she's happy, and that it was the best thing. I would so much rather her be in Heaven and free from her earthly pain than trapped here as a vegetable, which was essentially the case for the few days she was alive following the stroke.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that I'm not always going to understand why things happen. Sometimes, the answers are revealed later. Sometimes, we never know. God has a plan, and I might not always, or even usually, understand it, but I have to trust that he knows what He's doing.
I miss my Grandmother every day, more than words could ever express. I know that she is watching over me every day, and that I will see her again. I love you and miss you so much! Sing for Jesus now. <3
Currently listening:
Hear You Me--Jimmy Eat World
Go Rest High--Vince Gill
I Still Miss You--Keith Anderson
Probably Wouldn't Be This Way--Leann Rimes
When You're Gone--Avril Lavigne
Holes in the Floor of Heaven--Steve Wariner
Friday, March 20, 2009
Sunshine, Muffins, and a Cat Named Semper--Spring Break Day 6
After we said our goodbyes, we hit the road for a nice sunny drive to Morehead City, North Carolina. On the way, we stopped in Jacksonville to have lunch with Steph's cousin's wife Lauren. Steph's cousin Jordan is a Marine stationed in Jacksonville; he and his wife (both originally from MD) have lived there since November, when they were transferred up from Georgia. Apparently, the Marine base in Jacksonville, Camp Lejeune, is the largest Marine base on the east coast. Spiffy. We chatted with Lauren for a while, and met their dog Casey as well as their cat Semper. After a bit of talking and looking through wedding pictures (Lauren and Jordan will be celebrating their two year anniversary this summer...so cute!), we finally got to eat. Between our cooler and Lauren's kitchen, we pulled together some sandwhiches and cookies to hold us over for the next few hours. As we were getting ready to leave, we were surprised by Jordan coming home early from work. We hadn't expected to see him, but he apparently was able to finish early and had good timing ariving back at his house. Snapped a few photos, said hello/goodbye and it was back on the road for Steph and me.
Jacksonville had been about 2hrs from my grandparents' house, and it was only another mile or so to Morehead City. We found our hotel (conveniently located next to a grocery store!), checked in, and proceeded to relax for the rest of the evening.Videos on youtube :)
Quote for the day: "She likes to be pet with your feet" ~Lauren
Peace y'all.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It's not raining!--Spring Break Day 5
Being rather tired from our adventuring the day before, we slept in and had French Toast brunch around 1300. After food and getting ourselves cleaned up, we decided to take an easy day and stick close to Calabash. Our first stop was our trusty friend WalMart. We needed a few more misc things and decided we could buy them cheaper at WalMart. Steph was on the hunt for a charm to add to her charm bracelet. She wanted something that represented our journey through North Carolina (and some diversions into South Carolina--woohoo Myrtle Beach). The previous day's hunt hadn't turned up anything that Steph really loved or felt was worth the money. WalMart didn't turn up anything either, but we still were able to grab things like lip gloss and other girl things. Also, I found Peeps :D They have orange ones now! Oh sweet marshmallow and sugary goodness!
Anyway...after WalMart, we went back over to Sunset Beach so Steph could seef it without the rain and fog. Despite the clouds, we did catch a glimpse of the sunset on Sunset Beach :) We dropped by the Sunset Beach gift store to browse quickly then headed back over to Calabash. We met up with my grandparents at a cute little pizza joint called Tony's pizza. It actually reminded me alot of a little pizzeria near my house where I like to go with my parents when I'm home. After dinner, Steph and I stopped into Calahan's so I could grab a snow globe. I used to love collecting snow globes when I was little, but these days they're hard to come by. I was quite excited to find one :) I want to start collecting them again, so everywhere I go I'll be searching!
So a nice, chill, relaxing day required some evening entertainment. Stopped home at my grandparents' house to freshen up and dump our bags, then headed down to visit the guys again. We brought along a bag of our chips to eat and share, since the guys, being typical guys, had a house full of drinks and not much in the way of food. Upon our arrival, there wasn't much going on. Gridiron Gang was on TV and was passing for entertainment while a few others stood around talking or moseying around their rooms. We watched the last half hour or so of Gridiron Gang (for those of you who haven't seen it, it's your typical underdog football movie), then quickly set to work rectifying the lack of entertainment and energy level. Steph had brought along her iHome, so after some courtesy Irish rock in honour of St. Patrick, we put on some dance music and tried to move some energy through the house. When our dancing didn't catch on right away, despite popular tunes, we knew what we had to do. Enter Mr. C the Slide Man. We put on Cha Cha slide and hollered at everyone to join us. Lo and Behold, it worked! We were quickly joined by about a third of the guys, as well as one or two of the other girls. The Cha Cha Slide ended, but the fun was just beginning. We joined in a game of cards that goes by several different names. For my purpsoses here, I'll call it President. We played cards and listened to country music for about an hour and a half with Steph taking several wins. Around 0100 we said our goodbyes and departed with the music, sorry guys, but the iHome came with us and leaves with us. If we had any doubts as to whether we made ourselves likeable, they were quickly removed. As we were leaving, a couple people asked if we were coming back any other nights. When we informed them that no, sadly we couldn't, as we had to continue our travels, the news was not well recieved. Leave it to us to bring the party.
On our way out of Myrtle Beach, we stopped by a WalMart (quickly becoming our favourite road trip store!) to grab more sodas for the road, and some treats for my grandparents as a way of saying thanks. Breakfast muffins and brownie mix--yum yum. We headed home, did laundry, and packed/ consolidated as much as we could of our stuff. Sleep was not far from us, and once we were prepared to wake up and do only what was necessary, we crawled into bed and proceeded to dream land. A fun and relaxing wrap up to the first half of our spring break adventures.
Quote for the day: "He sounds like a hippo giving birth" ~Danny
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the day: When giving someone directions, use street names. "That street that runs next to Calahan's" isn't terribly helpful when the store sits on a corner and fronts two streets. I love my grandparents :)
The Adventure Continues! Spring Break Day 4
Day 4 was our big adventure/shopping day. Despite the rain, we headed down to Broadway at the Beach, a touristy place in Myrtle Beach with boutiques, restaurants, and other entertainment. It took us a while to get there, because we got a little lost on the way. Surprise surprise. What day is complete without us getting lost, especially if I'm driving? Once we finally arrived, we hit up a few stores, then decided to grab pretzels at Auntie Anne's before heading to the mall to make the most of our time and limited money. Since it was a rainy day, there were a decent number of people at the mall, but not crowded. In the food court, I made a wonderful discovery. I found Chic Fil A!!! This made me very excited, as I was lamenting the loss of chic fil a fries while away from school. (Side note: if zombies ever attack UMBC, they better leave Chic Fil A intact). We managed to browse a variety of stores before the mall closed at 2100.
Once we were done shopping, we called for directions to the house in North Myrtle Beach where we knew some of my friends from UMBC are staying this week. Upon arriving on their street, we drove up and down for a bit, but found the house. Apparently in South Carolina, they don't believe in posting house numbers in visible areas. Go figure. In any case, we hung out there talking to the guys and playing games till around 0130ish. We said goodbye, headed back to my grandparents' and went straight to bed. We grabbed our electronics and other valuables, but left most of our shopping stuff in the car since we were tired and just wanted to sleep.
That about sums up Day 4 of our wonderful adventures. More to come! As always, video diary of the trip is being continued on youtube if you search Stephanie and Devon's Spring Break Adventures.
Quote for the day: "No tienes nada!" ~Me and Steph
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the day: Put numbers on the house where they're easily seen by day or night from the road, not from 2 feet away.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Knick Knacks, Jigsaws, and Rummy--Spring Break Day 3
The misty fog from the drizzle was actually a very nice touch, in my opinion. It made for some neat pictures. A little photo shop to up the contrast on some of them gets the full effect of what the camera couldn't quite capture. After galavanting around the beach and frolicking in water so cold it'll give your toes hypothermia (lol I love you Steph) we zipped over to Calahan's. This store is hug, and pure beach touristy goodness! Everything you could want in a beach tourist shop and more, including a whole wing of Christmas items, lots of salt water taffy, and a fudge counter. We found a kitty in the Christmas section!! Her name was Spooks; she was black with white on her paws and chest. ADORABLE!! She was very friendly :) I didn't buy anything, as I didn't have money on me, but I established a couple things I'd like to get when we go back (which of course we will!) Today was preview shopping, which actually helps you save money on impulse buys. Heaven knows I could buy 90% of that store if I had the money!! OH, one of the cool things I saw there...THEY HAVE SNOW GLOBES!!! I can never find those anymore. I used to have a whole passle of them when I was little, but nowadays it seems like nobody ever has them, except maybe at Christmas. They make good Christmas gifts, esp as a gag gift (hehehe...).
We returned home to my grandparents' house in time for a lovely dinner of Turkey, broccoli, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and rolls. So yummy! After dinner we chit chatted with my grandparents for a while, then cleared the table and went to work on a jigsaw puzzle. This puzzle is very unique, in that it is not a rectangular puzzle! It's sea turtles and some other aquatic life, and the puzzles peices are odd shapes. Parts of the puzzle go every which way, and it was tricky, but Stephanie ended up finishing it after we took a break to play rummy and eat Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chunk ice cream.
Tomorrow, or rather later today by this point, Steph and I will continue our adventures in Myrtle Beach. We're waking up earlyish to have breakfast and head down to Broadway at the Beach, then the mall. Shopping here we come!!!
Quote for the day: "I think my toes have hypothermia!" ~Steph
Quote #2 for the day: "Muy si!" ~Devon
Peace y'all.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Stephanie and Devon's Spring Break Adventure
Today started around 1115. Well, my day did. Steph was up around 0930. She also went to bed about two hours before I did, so it all evens out. I was tired but finally dragged myself out of bed in the interest of watching the UMBC vs Binghamton basketball game. It was the America East Championship, and the winner continued on to the NCAA. Unfotunately UMBC lost ::cry::. Then again, I don't think anyone really expected us to even make it to the Conference Championship this year since our team didn't have last year's success rate. It'll be Binghamton's first trip to the NCAA, so congrats to them for making it that far, but I'll still be rooting for whoever plays against them.
Once the game was over, I finished my homemade breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee (the essential), and got myself cleaned up for the day while listening to Queen (<3333 so much). Packed up my stuff, did the dishes, said goodbye to my uncle, my cousin, and my uncle's wife (step-aunt?) and hit the road with Steph around 1530. Since Steph was driving, I got to do the video diary. Yay!! We took 9 videos today, bringing our total to 15 videos in two days. You can see them on youtube if you search "Stephanie and Devon's Spring Break Adventure". Woot.
So once again, it took us about much longer than originally planned to reach our destination. From Lake Gaston, up on the border of VA and NC, to Calbash, on the border of NC and SC, should have taken about 4.5--5 hours including stopping for gas/ice/krispy kreme. We took 6 hours. Blehhhh. We got a bit discombobulated when we were on the highway. We got on the right highway, southbound interstate 795, but shortly after getting on, there apparently is a split with 795 and eastbound NC state route 264. We eneded up traveling aproximately 45 minutes east toward the coast when we were supposed to be going south toward Calabash. Joyous. In any case, we found a road that would take us back down where we needed to be and got back on track. All in all, it was just another part of the adventure. Plus it was kinda scenic...we got to see some horses and very rural areas of NC. Finally got to my Grandparent's house just before 2200. My amazing wonderful grandmother had kept meatballs and sauce warm for us since whenver she ate dinner, and fed us after we arrived. Nothing like warm food to take the edge off after a long day of driving in the rain.
So I think that about covers day 2...Music enjoyed today included Queen, Kelly Clarkson, The Jonas Brothers, Lifehouse, The Killers, David Archuleta, and various artists/songs from my "f*** you" playlist including All American Rejects, Dixie Chicks, Simple Plan, and many more! Going to finish up some AIM convos now and head to sleep. Hooray for sleeping in! More updates tomorrow.
Quote for the day: "We have ourselves and a camera. There will be entertainment!" ~me
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Back to the trip...Steph and I left College Park shortly before 2pm this afternoon. According to GoogleMaps, our trip to my counsins' house on Lake Gaston in North Carolina was expected to take a little over 4 hours. Add in Richmond traffic, and we were probably looking at closer to 5ish hours. The end result? 7 hours. GAH!!! It took us over three hours to get from College Park to Fredricksburg, VA, a journey that's usually 2ish hours (1.5 with the way I drive >_>). We averaged about 12 miles an hour for most of that part of the trip. Thank God for music and "Would You Rather". Once we finally made it to Fredricksburtg, we stopped for gas then drove around for 15 minutes trying to access the WalMart we'd seen from the road. As luck would have it, due to one way streets and no u-turn intersections, it took us rather a bit to finally make our way to WalMart. Once there we bought drinks and snacks for the road. We had chips in the car but wanted someting a bit more substantial since we were not going to arrive in Lake Gaston by dinner as originally planned.
Of course no road trip adventure would be complete without getting lost trying to get back to the highway. Have I mentioned I fail at city driving? Long story short, I got confused (oh so shocking) coming out of the parking lot and got lost for a bit, but thanks to some friendly cashiers at a CVS we were able to make our way back to the highway. The benefit of our little detour was that by this time, most of the traffic had thinned out, and we were able to go somewhere around the speed limit for the rest of the trip. Steph fell asleep for a bit, but I eventually had to wake her up once we got to the border of VA and NC so she could navigate for me.
The rest of the trip was fairly easy, except I discovered that my driver's side windshield wiper is not clearing properly, and is conveniently leaving a not so clear splotch right in my line of vision. Joyous. I mentioned it to my Uncle and he said he'll take a look at it tomorrow (or later today by this point, seeing as it's after 3am). Spent the evening chilling out watching TV and chit chatting with everyone since we've been here, very relaxing. We'll stay here for most of tomorrow/today and head down to Calabash, NC to crash with my super awesome grandparents for a few days.
Okay, sleep now as I'm very tired and my battery is dying on my laptop. I'll charge my baby overnite then write more as our adventures progress. We're making a video diary of our trip, so many pictures and videos to come, both here and on facebook.
Quote for the day: "If WalMart was a person, I think I'd marry it. I'd call it Wally!" ~Steph
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: When stopping at a store in a strange city, remember how to get out of the shopping are and back to the main road. Woohoo for Devon being directionally challenged.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I'm realizing I've been getting caught up in petty things lately. Everyone tells me how I'm so mature for getting over the breakup so quickly, and that's good I guess. To truly care about someone is to let them go, without knowing if they'll ever come back. To truly care about another person is to want what's best for them more than your personal ideal situation. That's what's made this easy for me. My greatest desire is for him to be ok and happy with his life. Am I over the breakup? Yes. Am I over him? Just about.
I have so much for which to be grateful. God has blessed me beyond anything I could have ever deserved or wanted, starting with Christ's sacrifice on my behalf. Think about it: God gave up his only son. He gave up the person He loved most to save people who had no regard for Him. That really is love. I could never do that. I could never be so unselfish as to sacrifice the people I love most to help someone who didn't care about me, with no guarantee that my sacrifice would move any sort of response to them. That's just...wow. Beyond comprehension.
I've been complaining about school so much lately. I need to take a step back and realize school is a privelege, not a right or something to be expected.
Some things I can be thankful for: My parents are paying for me to go to a great school. I have an amazing family, some of the most wonderfullest awesomest friends anyone could ask for. My life is relatively drama free, I'm healthy, my family is healthy, we live comfortably despite the tough economic crap. I really am spoiled, and lived a semi charmed life. So my classes are boring and easy. All the more reason to do well! I have the freedom to worship my saviour wherever and whenever I please without fear of persecution. Billy and I are still friends, and the breakup was not ugly or drama or forcing anyone to pick sides. I have everything I need for life without having to do hardly anything for it. I never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from, or if I'll be waking up tomorrow, or if I'll have clothes to wear.
So many people have so much less, and are still making the best of their lives without complaining all the time. I knew two girls in high school who lost their mothers to cancer. They were both two of the sweetest girls I ever knew, and I never heard either of them complain. I met a friend of a friend the other day, and he seemed like a chill kid. He seemed content with his life, and happy to be who he was. He's a cool kid. I was reading his blog earlier tonight, and discovered that this seemingly happy go lucky kid has experienced some of the worst things life can throw at you, and is on the verge of another tragedy. It amazed and inspired me so much. You'd think anyone who'd had such a sucky life would be jaded and bitter, but this guy is exactly the opposite. His situation reminds me yet again of how much I've been given in life and how much I've been blessed.
Thank you, my new friend, for your example. You are an inspiration and an example. You are in my prayers every day. I am praying that God sends his angels to comfort you and give you strength. Many hugs!!
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: When traveling to an unfamiliar destination, plan extra time to account for getting lost and trying to figure out how to get there.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Unity is Coming!!
Off to play Apples to Apples!
Peace Y'all.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
School is Boring
I'm the type of person where if I'm not being challenged, I get bored...really quickly. If something doesn't challenge me, and doesn't keep my interest, I have little to no motivation to actually do it. Example: my spanish class. It's a retake, becuase I got so bored with the busy work last semester that I didn't do half of it. The problem was that said busy work was 35% of our grade and not doing it led to a bad grade, despite getting A's on my tests.
I like my classes, it's just a matter of them being able to challenge me enough. Breakdown:
>>Poli 360: Comparative Political Thought/Theory. The material we read outside of class is interesting, and I enjoy reading it. The professor simply restates the reading in class in simpler terms and his lecture style leaves me fighting to stay awake....at 130 in the afternoon. His tangents about his life are more interesting than his lectures. We have to write a 2 page paper every week based on the readings, then later in the week we're given a classmate's paper to critique. BORING! 2 pages?! I thought this was a 300 level class! This reminds me of high school...and considering my high school wasn't exactly the epitome of academic challenge that's pretty bad.
>>Span 301: Advanced Intermediate Spanish. Again, ridiculously easy for a 300 level class. Maybe it's just me and the ability God's given me to be stupidly good at Spanish, but as previously stated, all the homework is busy work. Answer a few BS questions based on some simple readings. Do some grammar exercises practicing stuff we learned in Spanish 1. The one good point is that the prof only speaks Spanish in class, and makes us do the same. Not that this is hard for me, but it's something that should start being enforced at the 201 level. If we're taking a language beyond the level required for university credit, we obviously want to use it somehow in our future, and we have to learn how to speak it, not just understand it.
>>Econ 102: Introduction to Macroeconomics. Your standard lecture class with the occasional online quiz and problem set thrown in. Reeeealllly simple, and most of it's common sense. Granted that's to be expected since it's a 100 level class. The prof isn't horribly interesting, but not boring either. He likes to relate everything back to Milky Way bars. Take notes, plan my week, make occasional sarcastic comments to my friends Cynthia and Stan who are in the class with me.
>>History 303: The Second World War. My favourite class by far. Dr. Laurie is god of the History department. Definitely one of the best, if not the best prof I've taken here. His lectures are entertaining and educational at the same time. His exams are challenging but not overly difficult if you've payed attention in class. Doing the readings isn't necessary but it's helpful. His papers are not overly long, generally 3-5 pages, but you have to write well for them and you have to actually do the work behind them, which is usually reading a whole bunch of stuff on a topic of your choice related to the class. My only issue with this class is that we don't have much to do outside of it reguarly. I look forward to the class; it's the highlight of my tuesdays and thursdays.
So there's my little rant for the week. Not to worry, I'm still doing my hw and keeping up with my classes, they're just annoying. It's troublesome to me when I have to actually try to find motivation to do school. Well seeing as it's going on 4am I should probably do that thing they call sleeping. Not that it matters since I don't have to wake up before 11 any day of the week. Gotta love that! I'm looking forward to the weekend (which essentially starts tomorrow at 7pm). Hopefully it'll snap me out of the apathetic fog I've been in this week.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson: Always have a couple rolls of toilet paper stocked in your room, so when your dorm (or campus in general as it would appear) FAILS AT LIFE BY RUNNING OUT OF TOILET PAPER you're not stuck using tissues. Reasons we love UMBC...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Busy Busy
On a related note, I got a text book at the UMBC bookstore for a reasonable price...shocking! $26 for my Poli text book, which was the only reason I actually bought it from here versus online or sharing Alethea's. Spanish book was close around $100...yeah not buying that one. Hooray for the library, same with History, cuz Heaven knows we don't actually read all 14 books. Since we can't do the papers on any of them it makes more sense to just get them from the library as theyre needed.
Speaking of the library, I'm still kinda ticked they turned the 7th floor study lounge into a computer lab, but in all fairness, it has been helpful. I went over to the library to print out a paper today, and I was amazed at technology. The paper was saved to my flash drive, and as I look at it, I'm amazed at how I can type something up on my computer, put a little stick in the side of my computer, and with a few clicks, my 2 page paper is now on this little tiny rectangular thingydo. It's pretty nifty, and extremely convenient. What's not convenient is that I had to walk to the library to print said paper, because of course my printer is STILL on the fritz...gotta get that checked out this weekend. I don't go to a nerd school for nothing, so time to find one of my tech savvy friends and get them to fix it. Also need to make a trip to walmart this weekend and buy ink, seeing as the ink I need is of course the ONE KIND THE BOOKSTORE DOESN'T SELL. gaaaahhhh.
So now that I've sorted out some thoughts, time to get back to that critique so I can sleep.
peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the Week: Don't wear heels to a basketball game when you know you're gonna be on your feet cheering the whole time. I am so smart sometimes...(/sarcasm)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
2.5.09 <3
I'm fluctuating between amused and slightly disturbed that all our friends predicted it, or at the very least are not surprised. So everyone except me is getting really good at predicting my life. WTF?!
No matter, I'm way too happy to let it stress me out. The sunshine is perfect for this amazing day, and an optimistic sign for what's to come in the months ahead.
peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: When your printer is generally unreliable, print your assignments the night before the class, to give you flexibility when it acts up. Actually, it's probably a good idea to do the assignment the night before it's due instead of the morning of...yeahhhh.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Just a quick note...
The week started out with scheduling and classes doing all in their power to frustrate me and then some. Monday and Tuesday were very very long. By the end of the day Wednesday I had most of that figured out, so it would figure that
my social life would choose then to start flipping itself all over every which way. For once I'm not unhappy about it. There's alot to still be decided and discussed but I'm becoming more sure every day, that no matter what comes of this, everything will work out for the best. :)
Also: umbc fails at snow and ice removal.
Peace y'all.
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson: Heels and ice are not a good combination. Then again, since when am I the one to choose practicality over style?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Back 2 Skool
I applied for a job at a nursing home down the street as a receptionist but haven't heard back from them so I'm assuming that means I need to keep looking. I'm going to post my resume on UMBCworks and see if I get any hits from there, and if not, I'll start applying around Catonsville. I have absolutely no money whatsoever so the job thing is kinda crucial if I want to do anything besides eat this semester. Lord knows the food around here is so freakin expensive i'll need money to help cover it by the end of the semester.
I'm excited that it snowed and stuck! I want to go skiing again...but no money. ugh I need to find a way to make money. all i need is 30bucks for skiing. i currently have 11 dollars to my name which i'm saving for...something. maybe skiing.
Ummmm I think that's about it. Oh! New phoneeeeee :D not going to be flushed this time!
Peace y'all
P.S. Common Sense Life Lesson for the week: trim the wick when lighting a candle...else you get weird flame with black smoke coming off it.